Nothing is as frustrating than coming home and finding that your pet has made yet another mess on the carpet. No matter what animal you have and baby or not, cleaning up after his mess is not something you look forward to doing.
Urine deposited on carpet does not stay there, it penetrates the fibers and contaminates both the backing of the carpet and the flooring material below the carpet. Often, without your knowing, pets will urinate continually in the same general location. Urine odors can permeate from the floor, be it cement or wood, from the tack strip, and even from the framework of the house behind the walls.
Red Rock Cleaning Services uses a variety of products that can get rid of urine and fecal odors from carpets and furniture. Some contain enzymes that will actually break down the source of the odor. Odors should be eliminated when they first occur, because the longer the odor remains on a surface, the harder it will be to remove. |